
Clearwater Criminal Lawyer Blog


Florida Court Discusses Evidence Needed to Prove a First Degree Murder Offense

Under Florida law, a person does not actually have to participate in the physical act of killing another human to be charged with offenses related to the murder. In other words, a person who helps another person plan and commit a murder may be charged as a principal to first-degree…


Florida Court Discusses Admissibility of Prior Bad Acts at Criminal Trials

It is not uncommon for a person facing criminal charges to have a history of prior criminal activity. In the interest of providing all criminal defendants with a fair trial, however, the State typically must refrain from introducing evidence of prior crimes at trial. There are certain exceptions when evidence…


Florida Court Discusses Factors a Court May Consider in Issuing Sentences

When a person is convicted of committing a crime, the court will rely on numerous factors in determining an appropriate sentence. While the court is permitted to consider some information outside of the facts relating to the present conviction, if a court considers certain evidence, such as crimes for which…

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