Articles Posted in Probation Violation


Florida Court Discusses Sufficiency of Affidavit of Violation of Probation in Sex Crime Cases

In many cases in which a defendant is convicted of a sex crime, he or she will be sentenced to probation rather than imprisonment. If a person violates the terms of his or her probation, however, it can result in a revocation of probation. If the State seeks to revoke…


Florida Court Upholds a Juvenile’s Sentence of 100 Days of Detainment Following Probation Violations

Under Florida law, juvenile defendants are subject to a different set of rules and standards than adult defendants in the criminal court system. For example, if a juvenile defendant is found to be in violation of a court order, the law allows the defendant to be sentenced to detainment in…


Court Rules a Judge can Consider an Arrest Without a Conviction During a Florida Community Control Revocation Hearing

When a defendant is convicted of a crime there are certain factors that the court can consider when determining an appropriate sentence. For example, a court is not permitted to consider a defendant’s arrest for a subsequent crime when imposing a sentence for the primary offense the defendant was convicted…


Florida Court Clarifies Evidentiary Standards in Supervised Release Revocation Hearings

Florida law sets forth the evidentiary standards that apply in both criminal and civil proceedings. An important rule of evidence that is often invoked is the prohibition of hearsay evidence at a criminal trial. The standards applicable at a criminal trial may not be the same as those that apply…


Homeless Florida Man Sent to Prison for Failing to Check in with Probation Officer

Probation is an alternative to prison time in which a person convicted of a Florida crime is allowed to remain free if he or she complies with various terms and restrictions of the release. The requirements usually include meeting regularly with a probation officer and keeping the officer aware of…

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